In-House Financing

We offer in-house (10% interest) financing options that require a down payment and monthly payments until the balance is paid in full. Students paying full tuition will receive a 25% discount on degree programs only. This does not apply to the Accelerated Degree Program.

NCIBC Scholarship Sponsor Funding

Scholarships are provided through sponsorship: private donors, organizations etc.  A sponsor is the person whose money goes into your scholarship.  This person or organization wants to fund a student through college without repayment. We provide a matching fund for up to $2000 to students who can obtain sponsorship. 


Every year, students from across the country apply to become NCIBC Scholars – and we need your help to ensure that we can name as many scholars as possible.  Funding an Annual Scholarship ensures that a deserving student will be recognized and rewarded. You can designate an Annual Scholarship for a specific student, or you can leave it open to be used for the most deserving student in the country.